How to Get People in Your Network to Promote Your Freelancing Business

How to Get People in Your Network to Promote Your Freelancing Business 01 Nymy Media

It’s been said that one of the best ways to grow your freelance business is through your network of contacts. After all, your friends, family, colleagues, and former clients are all potential sources of new business. But the real question is, how do you get them on board in a way that’s beneficial for everyone involved?

In this article, we share a few ways to do this, not only to promote your freelance business but also to build a strong and trustworthy brand in the eyes of your customers. These include:

Be clear about what you do. This is the most common and easiest way to promote your business. When you’re talking to people in your network, be clear about what you do and who you’re looking to work with. This will help them understand how they can help you and why they should refer you to others.

Be a valuable resource. Don’t just ask for help from your network. Be willing to give back as well. Share your knowledge and expertise, and offer to help others with their projects. This will build a good relationship and make you more memorable and more likely to be recommended.

Stay in touch. Once you’ve met someone, don’t just disappear. Stay in touch with them on social media or send them a quick email or text every once in a while to see how they’re doing. This will help you stay top of mind and make it more likely that they’ll think of you when they have a project that needs to be done.

Ask for referrals. Once you’ve built some relationships, don’t be afraid to ask for referrals. This is one of the best ways to get new clients. Be specific about what kind of clients you’re looking for, and be sure to thank people for their referrals.

Offer incentives. If you’re really serious about getting people in your network to promote your business, you can offer them incentives. This could be anything from a small discount to a free consultation. Just be sure that the incentive is something that will be valuable to them.

I know how it feels to be a freelancer. You’re always looking for new ways to get your foot in the door and land your next client. That’s why we put together this article on how to get people in your network to promote your freelancing business.

So, there you have it! Just remember, networking is an ongoing process. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it. So don’t be afraid to get out there and start connecting with people. The more people you know, the more likely you are to find success as a freelancer.

Blog Post by Odwako Isaac (On behalf of Nymy Media)

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