Research shows that people watch lyrics videos more than official videos. This is the major reason why you, as an artist should invest more in a creative and alluring lyrics video. Gone are the days when we had to listen to a song countless times to understand and grasp the lyrics, now, these lyrics are one click away, giving you a quick and easy way to vibe to any song.
So, have you ever listened to a beautiful song, hummed along but that wasn’t enough? Have you ever been laughed at for boldly singing wrong lyrics? Well, we’ve all been there and it was embarrassing but fun. But that’s where music lyrics videos come in handy. To save you from the embarrassment.
Now, music lyrics videos are supposed to give you confidence while you sing and give you bragging rights, especially when you are the only one in your entire clique singing along. That’s why, as a musician, your fans ought to watch the lyrics video first.
Fans love to watch music lyrics videos than the official videos, and so, this helps an artist to get more views which in turn increases that artist’s rating. Fans want to learn the lyrics of their favorite songs and they can only effectively do this by watching lyrics videos and listening to the song at the same time. This is a great way of introducing a new song to fans before an official video to build momentum.Â
Also, music lyrics videos are cost-friendly as compared to official videos, in terms of production. So, as an upcoming artist or with a low budget, a lyrics video is the go-to option.
So, tap into your creative juices and create a unique and creative lyrics video for your song. Remember, the music lyrics video should be catchy or it will be ignored. Don’t know how to make these, Nymy media has got you covered. You can check out their work here
Blog Post by Golda Abesiga (On behalf of Nymy Media)