The power of a color palette for your brand

Reasons why a brand color palette is important

Any brand or business needs a color palette. Color not only brightens the outlook on things but it also dulls them. A color palette is a combination of colors that identify your brand and its personality. That said, as someone who wants to uplift your brand’s image, you need to be more careful while choosing your Brand’s Color Palette because your colors will be used in your business cards, website et cetera.

Paul Gauguin once said, “Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams.” Each day our eyes are met with so many colors and combinations. We remember some and forget some. But those color combinations that get us intrigued or a little excited, stick with us for a long. And if it is a business or specific brand, with such alluring colors, then we immediately want to know more about that brand, or even interact with it. Color is as important to a business as a signature scent is, to a person and so, below I have discussed three important ways in which a color palette is important for your brand;

Brand recognition:

Every brand’s main aim is to stand out from the plethora of brands we have today. And different aspects of a brand can help achieve this aim—for example, the brand logo, and color palettes among others. Colors identify which brand a customer is dealing with and most times, the color palette used, can lure new customers to check out a brand. Color palettes are so important that some companies even go ahead and copyright them for example the Tiffany Blue used by Tiffany & Co. So, your brand’s color palette also advertises your business. Research suggests that color influences about 80% of sales made by the brand. The strong emotional connection cultivated by a brand, with its customers and potential customers, is achieved mostly, by the color the brand decides to use.

An Example of a color palette

Brand personality:

Brand personality can also be known as the spirit of the brand. What should someone think about when they interact with your brand for the very first time? Again, color plays a huge role in revealing what your brand stands for. Color psychology suggests what different colors are perceived to mean or communicate. For instance, red may signify power, energy, love, stimulation, action, stop, strength, passion, and/or desire while gold signifies luxury, value, divinity, radiance, prestige, and wisdom, among others. All the different colors have a meaning and depending on your brand’s vision or mission, you can choose colors that visually explain/identify that. This is why it’s important to be meticulous while choosing your brand color palette because it can either break or make a brand.

Target Audience:

Depending on the goods and/or services offered by your brand, the colors you decide to use can also tell who your target audience is. Your colors can tell a person what they need to care about and who they should be, to interact with your brand. Also, since colors have different meanings in different cultures, your brand color(s) will tell a customer what your brand serves quickly before your brand name suggests it. So, it’s prudent to bear in mind the area in which you are operating, the various cultures, and the kind of people your brand needs to attract. That way, you’ll choose colors that seek out your target customers for you.

Choosing a color palette for your brand shouldn’t be such a daunting task, let your brand vision point the way. However, if creativity isn’t your forte, then you can have your designer make out a few samples, from which you can choose. The latter method is easier and may save your brand from donning colors that are not in tandem with the brand’s personality. Set aside your personal preferences. Also remember, that your brand needs recognition, and colors advertise faster than words.

Blog Post by Golda Abesiga (On behalf of Nymy Media)


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